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Dr Aaron Wernham MBChB MRCP (UK) is a trusted and respected Consultant Dermatologist in the Midlands. He works in the NHS as a Consultant Dermatologist and Dermatological / Mohs Surgeon at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust and the Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust. He is the co-lead clinician for skin cancer and skin services in the Black Country and West Birmingham region (integrated care board) and is Deputy Chair for the West Midlands Skin Cancer Expert Advisory Group (EAG), which sets standards for skin cancer for a population of over 6 million people in the UK. He is also the currently elected Executive Secretary for the British Society for Dermatologic Surgery (BSDS), setting agenda and education for skin surgery and skin cancer at a national level.
He qualified from the University of Birmingham Medical School and was awarded a first class Honours degree. He undertook specialist training in Dermatology in the Midlands and during this time was awarded the National Bristol Cup Trophy and Best Research Paper Trophy from the British Association of Dermatology as well as the West Midlands Trainee of the Year Prize for outstanding practice. He was selected for a prestigious Post-CCT fellowship in Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Advanced cutaneous reconstruction where he worked to perfect the art of delivering high quality surgical outcomes. In doing so, he became recognised as one of few Dermatologists in the West Midlands accredited by the British Association of Dermatology to perform Mohs Micrographic Surgery.
Alongside clinical work, he was awarded the prestigious Neil Cox prize as the highest scoring national applicant for the UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network Trainee Fellowship and has since developed a keen interest in evidence-based Dermatology and clinical research. He has published widely in leading national and international Dermatology journals and has been selected to present at national Dermatology meetings and events. He is a nominated steering committee member for the UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network and past Associate Editor for the Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Journal.
As part of his dedication to research outcomes, he is co-leading national research projects which include a Priority Setting Partnership in skin cancer surgery to identify the top uncertainties in surgical practice and the CANVAS suture study, which is examining outcomes of absorbable (dissolving) versus non-absorbable sutures. He is also a trial co-applicant for the OASIS and EXCISE studies assessing the benefit of antibiotics following skin surgery. Recently, he became the first Dermatologic Surgeon to be awarded an NIHR HTA grant for research in his subspeciality, the HEALS2 study and the first ever Chief Investigator at Walsall Manor Hospitals NHS Trust.
Dr Wernham specialises in skin cancer diagnosis and treatment and skin surgery for skin cancer, moles, warts, cysts and skin tags, as well as mole map skin surveillance using dermatoscopy. As a nationally elected member to the executive committee of the British Society of Dermatological Surgery, he has developed one of the highest reputations for contributing to surgical outcomes and research into skin cancer treatment. He also has a keen interest in diagnosing and managing skin rashes and he enjoys working closely with patients to provide tailored, personalised care.
Consultant Dermatologist Sutton Coldfield Birmingham Midlands and Acne specialist
Associate Editor for the Clinical Experimental Dermatology Journal (BAD journal)
Panel member Trials Generation and Prioritisation Panel UK Dermatology Trials Network
Nationally elected member to the executive committee for the British Society of Dermatological Surgeons (BSDS)
British Association of Dermatology (BAD)
British Society of Dermatological Surgeons (BSDS)
Member of the Royal College of Physicians
British Medical Association
General Medical Council
· Nikookam Y, Wernham AGH, Varma S. A Response to: ‘A Step Toward Environmental Sustainability in Mohs Surgery’ – Lessons from the UK A UK Perspective on Environmental Sustainability in Mohs Surgery
· Mann J, Ashraf I, Veitch D, Mcguiness L, Wernham AGH. Does the use of compression bandaging as an adjunct improve outcomes for people following excision of keratinocyte cancers of the lower leg with secondary intention healing? Clin Exp Dermatol Dec 21
· Balogun M, Millette D, Yip V, Wernham AGH, Tso S. Phenotypic spectrum of serious cutaneous only adverse event following immunisation with COVID‐19 vaccines: a multi‐centre case series and literature review. Clin Exp Dermatol Dec 21
· De Brito M, Chaplin C, Wernham AGH. National review of consent and use of procedure and speciality specific consent forms in dermatological surgery in English National Health Service Trusts. Clin Exp Dermatol Dec 21
· Abbott RA, Cardaro A, Lloyd B, Wernham AGH, Thomas-Jones E. Observational study to estimate the proportion of surgical site infection following excision of ulcerated skin tumours (OASIS study). Clin Exp Dermatol Dec 21
· Ashraf I, Nikookam Y, Hong A, Veitch D, Wernham AGH. A Multi‐centre Qualitative Study of Patient Skin Surgery Experience during the Covid‐19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom Clin Exp Dermatol Dec 21
· Totty J, Matin M, Wernham AGH,Abbott R. The use of perioperative prophylactic antibiotics following excision of ulcerated skin lesions in the UK – A national, multi-speciality survey of clinicians Clin Exp Dermatol Dec 21
· Charalambides M, Yannoulias B, Malik N, Veitch D, Wernham AGH. A review of Mohs Micrographic Surgery for skin cancer: Part 1 – melanoma and rare skin cancers. Clin Exp Dermatol Dec 21.
· Veitch D, Wernham AGH, Woo P, Mckenna J. A multicentre study investigating the effect of pre-consent on predicting scar size. Dermatologic Surg Jan 22
· Alani A, Wernham AGH, Mann J, Veitch D, Affleck A, Ghura V. UK National Mohs Surgeon Survey 2020. Clin Exp Dermatol 2021 Jun 25. doi: 10.1111/ced.14817
· Ashraf I, Veitch D, Wernham AGH. Dermatological surgery wound outcomes: assessing the evidence. Clin Exp Dermatol 2021 Jun 8.doi: 10.1111/ced.14791
· Butt E, Ashraf I, Veitch D, Wernham AGH.Dermatological surgery: An update on suture materials and techniques: Part 2. Clin Exp Dermatol 2021 Jun 22. doi: 10.1111/ced.14812
· Ashraf I, Butt E, Veitch D, Wernham AGH. Dermatological surgery: An update on suture materials and techniques: Part 1. Clin Exp Dermatol 2021 May 31.doi: 10.1111/ced.14770.
· Boiter R, Wernham AGH, Williams H et al. Clinical Integration of fast Raman spectroscopy for Mohs Micrographic surgery of basal cell carcinoma Biomedical Optics ExpressApril 2021 12(4):2015. DOI: 10.1364/BOE.417896
· Chaplin CL, Wernham AGH, Veitch D. Environmental sustainability in dermatological surgery. Br J Dermatol Nov 2020.
· Clinical Integration of fast Raman spectroscopy for Mohs Micrographic surgery of basal cell carcinoma Biomedical Optics Express April 2021 12(4):2015
· Veitch D, Wernham AGH, Abbott R, Batchelor J. National survey demonstrates significant variations in suture use for dermatologic procedures. Accepted CED April 20
· Mann J, Wernham AGH, Varma S. An unexpected lesion on the scalp. Accepted CED April 20
· Wernham AGH, Veitch D, Wood GV, Varma S. A prospective comparative study to identify the optimal skin marker and marking protocol for skin surgery. Accepted CED Feb 20
· Smith H, Wernham AGH, Patel A. When to suspect non-melanoma skin cancer. British Medical Journal (BMJ), accepted Jan 20.
· Wernham AGH, Oliphant T, Veitch D, Naysmith L, Varma S. National survey of UK Dermatologists demonstrates significant variation in how to obtain consent for dermatological procedures. Accepted Clin Exp Derm Dec 2019.
· Veitch D, Wernham AGH, Varma S. Letter to the Editor: A response to ‘Transparent Grid System as a novel tool to prevent wrong-site skin surgery on the back’. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, accepted Dec 19.
· Wernham AGH, Veitch D, Abercrombie L, Varma S. Tattoo Regret: Adverse Healthcare Implications of Skin Tattooing in Skin Cancer Patients. Accepted for publication Australas J Dermatol Sept 19.
· Wernham AGH, Veitch D, Rogers N, Grindlay D, Thomas K, Harman K. What’s new in atopic eczema? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2017. Part 1: Treatment and prevention. Accepted Clin Exp Derm 2019.
· Wernham AGH Smith H, Patel A, Varma S, Lam M. Chondroid syringoma of the heel masquerading as a malignant tumour – a potential pitfall in diagnosis. Accepted Australas J Dermatol June 2019.
· Wernham AGH, Kilgour J, Ingram J, Matin R. A 5-year review of quality of reporting of research using clinician surveys in high-ranked dermatology journals. Br J Dermatol March 2019 2019 Mar 28. doi: 10.1111/bjd.17942.
· Patel A, Wernham AGH, Varma S. Folliculocentric basaloid proliferation co-existing with basal cell carcinoma in Mohs Surgery – a potential cause of confusion. Australas J Dermatol May 2019.
· Patel A, Wernham AGH, Varma S. Charcoal pocket hand warmers – a rare cause of BCC carcinogesis? Australas J Dermatol. 2018 Dec 9
· Fremlin GA, Wernham AGH, Orpin S. Acne conglobata and necrotising scleritis: a previously unreported association. Accepted for publication Clin Exp Derm 2018 – awaiting publication
· Wernham AGH, Velangi S. Nivolumab PD1 inhibitor immunotherapy associated with vulvar, perineal and peri-anal lichen sclerosus. Accepted for publication Clin Exp Derm 2018.
· Moss C, Wernham AGH. The 100 000 Genomes Project: feeding back to patients. BMJ 2018;361:k2441
· Wernham AGH, Cain O, Thomas AMC. The effect of an exfoliating skincare regimen on the numbers of epithelial squames on the skin of operating theatre staff, studied by surface microscopy. J Hosp Infect. 2018 Oct;100(2):190-194.
· Wernham AGH, Ingram J, Matin R. Clinician surveys – time to make better use of this valuable resource? Br J Dermatol. 2018 Jun;178(6):1466-1467.
· Wernham AGH, Peng C, Bailiff B, Ilchyshyn A. Pemphigus foliaceus and acquired haemophilia – a rare but important association with life-threatening consequences. Clin Exp Derm 2018 Oct;43(7):825-828.
· Wernham AGH*, Thomson J*, William HC (Co-first authors). Long-term management of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis with dupilumab and concomitant topical corticosteroids (LIBERTY AD CHRONOS): a critical appraisal. Br J Dermatol 2018 Apr;178(4):897-902
· Chan SA, Wernham AGH, Stembridge N, Harper N, Verykiou S, Fremlin GA, Abbott RA, Matin RN. Do perioperative antibiotics reduced the risk of surgical site infections following excision of ulcerated skin cancers? A Critically Appraised Topic. Br J Dermatol 2017 Nov 28.
· Wernham AGH, Shim TS. Survey of dermatologists and venereologists shows varying approach to penile biopsies. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2017;10(10):26–27
· Wernham AGH, Fremlin GA, Orpin S. Avoid missing a rare condition by colouring your judgement purple. BMJ 2017;357:j1489
· Wernham AGH, Fremlin GA, Verykiou S, Harper N, Chan S, Matin RN, Abbott RA. Survey of dermatologists demonstrates widely varying approach to peri-operative antibiotic use – time for a randomized trial? Br J Dermatol July 2017; 177, 265-266.
· Wernham AGH, Carr R, Thind C. A recently changed, long-standing nodule on the chest wall. Clin Exp Derm 2017.
· Wernham AGH, Fremlin G, Orpin S, Salim A. Attendant physician beware! The deckchair sign can be seen in dermatomyositis. Clin Exp Derm 2016:40:919-920. Patient images selected as front cover image for this issue.
· Wernham AGH, Shah F, Amel-Kashipaz R, Cobbold M, Scarisbrick J. Stage I Mycosis Fungoides: Frequent association with a favourable prognosis but disease progression and disease specific mortality may occur. Br J Dermatol Nov 2015; 173, 1295-1297
· Wernham AGH, Jobanputra P. Dermatologists seeking rheumatologists: An analysis of referrals of patients with psoriasis to a rheumatology service. Rheumatology, July 2015; 54(10):1929-1930.
· Wernham AGH, Velangi SS. A case of recalcitrant plantar warts associated with Statin use. Case Rep Dermatol Med. 2015:2015: 320620
· Wernham AGH, Chua SLC, Vydianath B. Thalidomide – a novel therapeutic approach for papular pruritic eruption of HIV? JAAD Case ReportsMay 2015;1:109-11xsdz
· Ward LA, Cain OL, Mullally RA, Holliday KS, Wernham AGH, Baillie PD, Greenfield SM. Health beliefs about bottled water: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health 2009 9:196. (Highly Accessed).
Bristol Cup and Best Registrar Paper Trophies awarded from the British Association of Dermatology.
· BAD 2021 –Abbott R, Matin R, Martin-Clavijo A, Wernham AGH, Ziaj S, Howe E, Thomas-Hones E, Cannings-John R. Observational study to investigate surgical site infection in ulcerated skin cancers (OASIS).
· BAD 2021 – Alani A, Wernham AGH, Mann J, Veitch D, Affleck A, Ghura V. National Survey of UK Mohs Surgeons Work Practices. Accepted for BAD July 2021
BAD 2020 – Veitch D, Wernham AGH, Varma S. National survey of consent in dermatological surgery.
· BAD 2019 - Wernham AGH, Fremlin G, Yoo J. Thinking outside the box: a challenging case of mucormycosis presenting as a necrotic cutaneous nasal plaque.
· BAD 2019 - Fremlin G, Wernham AGH, Gazzani P, Martin-Clavijo A, Chua SL. The Masquerade. Accepted BAD July 2019
· BAD - 2019. Wernham AGH, Varma S. Environmental impact of Mohs surgery and measures to reduce our carbon footprint in dermatologic surgery.
· BAD 2019. Wernham AGH, Varma S. Can we finally eliminate wrong site skin surgery in Dermatologic surgery? Development of a transparent grid to confidently identify the correct site of facial skin lesions prior to skin surgery.
· BAD 2019. Wernham AGH, Varma S A prospective comparative study to identify the optimal skin marker and marking protocol for skin surgery.
· BAD 2019. Boiter R, Wernham AGH, Williams HC, Notingher I, Varma S. Could our newly invented Fast Raman Device replace histopathology during Mohs surgery.
· BAD 2019. Veitch D, Woo P, Mckenna J, Hacking H, Wernham AGH, Monk B. A multicentre blinded analytical study investigating the effect of preconsent on predicting scar size.
· March 2019 BSDS national meeting – Wernham AGH – presented as part of the Nottingham team on Margin Gains in Dermatologic Surgery, BAD House, Fitzroy square, London.
· Selected Poster Walk Oral presentation July BAD meeting 2019. An analysis of changing patterns in UK Google trend data for dermatologic surgery and a regional assessment of patient internet use prior to attending for surgical procedures.
· July 18 - BAD meeting 2018 – Wernham AGH, Taniere P, Evans M, Velangi S. Challenging our view on mutations in female genital melanoma: should they be grouped together? Experience from a supra-regional melanoma centre. Awarded trophy for best registrar presentation / submission.
· July 18 - Teachers section BAD meeting 2018. Wernham AGH Mirhadi J, Carr J, Petrof G, Tso S, Jaulim S, Cuell A. Registrar-led clinical research network collaboration – a pathway to improving trainee involvement in research.
· July 18 - BAD meeting 2018 - Wernham AGH, Hejmadi R, Cain O, Velangi S. On the fringe of melanoma – an unsuspected forehead collision.
· July 18 - BSDS section BAD meeting 2018 – Chan SA, Wernham AGH, Fremlin GA, Verykiou S, Harper N, Chan S, Matin RN, Abbott RA. Antibiotics in skin surgery – a critically appraised topic.
· January 2018 – Fremlin GA, Wernham AGH, Yoo J, Salim A. A Sweet Diagnosis. Medical Dermatology 2018 conference.
· October 2017 - Wernham AGH, Yoo J, Shah F, Chiganti S, Scarisbrick J. Blood Class B0 and B1 Varies Over Time in Mycosis Fungoides and The Significance is Unknown. EORTC international cutaneous lymphoma conference 2017.
· July 2016 - Wernham AGH, Fremlin GA, Verykiou S, Harper N, Chan S, Matin RN, Abbott RA – presentation of trial proposal (PAUSE study) to UKDCTN Steering Committee BAD meeting, Birmingham.
· July 2016 - Wernham AGH, Fremlin GA, Verykiou S, Harper N, Chan S, Matin RN, Abbott RA. Peri-operative antibiotics for patients with ulcerated skin cancers undergoing dermatological surgery in the UK – a nationwide survey of current clinical practice. Presented at BAD meeting, Birmingham.
· March 2015 - Wernham AGH, Fremlin GA, Verykiou S, Harper N, Chan S, Matin RN, Abbott RA. Peri-operative antibiotics in skin surgery – our journey so far. BSDS national meeting, BAD house, London.
· 3rd March 2015 - Thomas AMC, Wernham AGH, Cain O. A Novel Method Of Real-Time Quantification Of Skin Scale Density Demonstrating The Effect Of A Basic Skin Care Regimen. National presentation at British Hip Society March 2015.
· 3rd July 2014 – Wernham AGH, Chua SLC, Hejmadi R. Annual BAD meeting 2014, British Society for Skin Care in Immunocompromised Individuals SIG: Papular pruritic eruption of HIV responsive to oral thalidomide.
· June 15th 2013 – European League against Rheumatism - difference in joint distribution and severity outcomes in patients with severe Rheumatoid arthritis. International Conference Centre, Madrid.
· April 23rd 2013 – British Society of Rheumatology conference - difference in joint distribution and severity outcomes in patients with severe Rheumatoid arthritis.
· Ashraf I, Hong A, Lowe A, Nikookam Y, Abbott R, Veitch D, Wernham AGH. A Multi-centre Qualitative Study of Patient Skin Surgery Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom. BAD July 2021
· Wernham AGH, Kilgour J, Ingram J, Matin R. A 5-year review of the quality of reporting and methodology of research using clinician surveys published in the highest ranked dermatology journals. BAD July 2019
· Wernham AGH, Veitch D, Grindlay D, Rogers N, Harman K. What’s new in the treatment and prevention of atopic eczema: a review of systematic reviews of published in 2017. BAD July 2019
· Wernham AGH, Varma S. Nasal alarotomy is a useful technique for Mohs Surgeons for difficult-to-access nasal columella, vestibule and septal basal cell carcinoma. BAD BSDS July 2019
· Wernham AGH, Varma S. An analysis of changing patterns in UK Google trend data for dermatologic surgery and a regional assessment of patient internet use prior to attending for surgical procedures. BAD BSDS SIG July 2019. BSDS Poster Prize.
· Wernham AGH, Varma S. The bifid O-to-L flap repair - a novel approach to reconstruction of defects crossing the junction of facial cosmetic units. BAD BSDS SIG July 2019
· Wernham AGH, Taniere P, Evans M, Shah F, Velangi S. Molecular profiling of female genital and anorectal melanoma in a supra-regional melanoma centre. Society for Melanoma Research 15thInternational Congress Manchester October 2018.
· Lovgren M-L, Wernham AGH, Martin-Clavijo A. Pyoderma Gangrenosum Ulcers Treated with Novel Micropore Particle Technology. BAD 2018, British for Skin Care in Immunocompromised.
· Wernham AGH, Yoo J, Shah F, Chiganti S, Scarisbrick J. Lack of positive correlation of Blood and Skin Involvement in patients with mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome: A multi-centre European study. BAD 2018 and selected for poster tour talk. Awarded Bristol cup trophy for best poster presentation at conference.
· Mirhadi J, Carr J, Petrof G, Tso S, Jaulim S, Cuell A, Wernham AGH. Are we spot on? A trainee-led regional survey of prescribing practice of oral isotretinoin for acne. BAD 2018.
· Wernham AGH, Yoo J, Shah F, Chiganti S, Scarisbrick J. Changes in skin tumour burden in mycosis fungoides are not reflected in blood tumour burden as measured by flow cytometry. International Investigative Dermatology Conference, Florida, May 2018.
· Wernham AGH, Shim T. A nationwide survey of dermatologists and genitourinary specialists about penile biopsies: time for a consensus approach? BAD 2017, Liverpool.
· Wernham AGH, Anderson W, Poblet E, Blessing E, Shim T. A case of dystrophic calcinosis cutis and ossification secondary to cutaneous nodular amyloidosis masquerading as a soft tissue tumour. BAD 2017, Liverpool.
· Wernham AGH, Ganatra B, Gach J. Fight “Tooth and Nail” for the diagnosis – a case of Charcot Marie Tooth in the paediatric dermatology clinic. BAD 2017, Liverpool.
· Wernham AGH, Muc R, Zaki I. Localised primary cutaneous amyloidosis affecting the penile shaft. EADV Vienna Sept 2016.
· Wernham AGH, Kaur M. Coexistence of frontal fibrosing alopecia and discoid lupus erythematosus: a true association? BAD conference 2016 hair and nail subgroup, Birmingham.
· Wernham AGH, Fremlin GA, Orpin S. Colour your judgement purple to avoid missing a rare diagnosis. Accepted for BAD conference 2016 psychodermatology group, Birmingham.
· Wernham AGH, Fremlin GA, Zaki I. A rare case of melanoma presenting in the prostate. Accepted for BAD conference 2016, Birmingham.
· Wernham AGH, Fremlin GA, Verykiou S, Harper N, Chan S, Matin RN, Abbott RA. Feasibility analysis to evaluate the role of peri-operative antibiotics in reducing infection rates in ulcerated skin cancers. Accepted for BAD conference 2016, Birmingham.
· Fremlin GA, Wernham AGH, Orpin S. Necrotic scleritis associated with acne conglobate – a first report. Accepted for BAD conference 2016, Birmingham.
· Fremlin GA, Wernham AGH, Muc R, Colloby P, Zaki I, Haytham Al-Rawi. Multiple basal cell carcinomas arising within port wine stains in patients treated with Thorium X. Accepted for BAD conference 2016, Birmingham.
· Wernham AGH, Thomas AMC, Cain O The Effect of a Skin Care Regimen on the Density of Loose Skin Scales on Operating Theatre Staff. Accepted for EADV Athens May 2016.
· Wernham AGH, Carr J, Daunton A. Experience of a regional teaching dermatology programme – a step to improving dermatology teaching in the UK. British Association of Dermatology conference, Manchester 2015.
· Wernham AGH, Thomas AMC, Cain O. A Novel Method Of Real-Time Quantification Of Skin Scale Density Demonstrating The Effect Of A Basic Skin Care Regimen. Accepted for presentation at British Association of Dermatology conference, Manchester 2015.
· Wernham AGH, Shah F, Amel-Kashipaz R, Cobbold M, Stevens A, Chaganti S, Scarisbrick J. Stage I mycosis fungoides: frequent association with a favourable prognosis but disease progression and disease specific mortality may occur (Extended dataset). EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Clinical Meeting, Paris 2014.
· Wernham AGH, Carr J, Daunton A, Velangi S. Influence of Ethnicity on Efficacy of Biologic Therapy in severe psoriasis vulgaris. Presented at EADV 2014, Amsterdam.
· Wernham AGH, Shah F, Amel-Kashipaz R, Cobbold M, Stevens A, Chaganti S, Scarisbrick J. Stage I mycosis fungoides: frequent association with a favourable prognosis but disease progression and disease specific mortality may occur. (Extended dataset). WCCS 2014, Edinburgh 3-6thSeptember.
· Wernham AGH, Shah F, Amel-Kashipaz R, Cobbold M, Scarisbrick J. Stage I mycosis fungoides: frequent association with a favourable prognosis but disease progression and disease specific mortality may occur. British Association of Dermatology, Glasgow 1-3rd July 2014.
· Ward L, Wernham AGH, Carruthers DM, Deeming A, Buckley C, Raza K et al. Should there be different disease activity criteria for assessment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis according to different ethnic backgrounds? European League against Rheumatism, Madrid 12-15th June 2013.
· Wernham AGH, Ward L, Carruthers DM, Deeming A, Buckley C, Raza K et al. Should there be different disease activity criteria for assessment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis according to different ethnic backgrounds? British Society of Rheumatology 2013.
· Wernham AGH, Carruthers DM. 40 years without a diagnosis: an unusual cause of an urticarial skin rash. Presented at Royal College of Physicians, Medical Dermatology 2013 on 10/01/13.
· Wernham AGH, Lewis H. A challenging case of Sneddon-Wilkinson disease with associated IgA paraproteinaemia. Presented at the Dermdoc Nov 2012.
· Wernham AGH, Diaz C. A study of outcomes for Squamous Cell Carcinomas close to the excision margin: Should they be re-excised? Presented at the Dermschool conference 02/07/12.
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